The projects listed are in need of funding on an ongoing basis.
Please contact us using the form below if you are interested in making a gift toward one of them.
Annual and periodic e-newsletters reporting on research milestones, fundraising events and patient resources. This communication keeps the patient, researcher and physician communities updated on the DTRF’s efforts and progress in the field.
Patient Registry
The DTRF Patient Registry is a collaborative effort between the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation (DTRF) and the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) to study desmoid tumors. The DTRF was selected by NORD to create the DTRF Patient Registry as part of a cooperative project between NORD and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that supports research on rare diseases and how they progress over time – natural history studies.
The primary aim of the DTRF Patient Registry at is to conduct a prospectively-planned and efficient natural history study (NHS) that will result in the most comprehensive understanding of the disease and its course and pace over time.
One-Year Early Career Investigator Grant
A peer-reviewed grant to collect preliminary data. These projects usually precede multi-year grant submissions.
One-Year Research Project
A desmoid tumor research grant in basic science or a clinical trial at one of the world’s top cancer research centers.