In the past decade, we have learned that desmoid tumors are driven by alterations of the Wnt/APC/β-catenin pathway, sporadic desmoid tumors are associated with somatic mutations of CTNNB1, and germline mutations of APC and somatic mutations of CTNNB1 are probably mutually exclusive. One-third of desmoid tumors are misdiagnosed; a second pathological opinion is therefore of major importance for desmoid tumor. Surgery is no longer regarded as the cornerstone of desmoid tumors; several retrospective studies have demonstrated the safety of a ‘wait and see’ policy in sporadic abdominal wall desmoid tumor. Desmoid tumors is no longer regarded as an absolute contraindication for pregnancy. At least two new investigational drugs targeting the Wnt/APC/β-catenin pathway are currently being developed.