With every published article and case study, we learn more about desmoid tumors.
This page is a comprehensive, searchable database of desmoid tumor-related published research articles We encourage patients, researchers, and clinicians to peruse these articles with the understanding that desmoid tumor research is constantly growing and evolving.
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Year | Authors | Title | |
Year2005 | AuthorsChimenos-Kustner E, Pascual M, Blanco I, Finestres F. | TitleHereditary familial polyposis and Gardner’s syndrome: contribution of the odonto-stomatology examination in its diagnosis and a case description. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsPafko P, Suchy T, Procke J, Smejkal M, Schlegerova D. | TitleHemipelvectomy for a desmoidal tumor. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsBrueckl WM, Ballhausen WG, Fortsch T, Gunther K, Fiedler W, Gentner B, Croner R, Boxberger F, Kirchner T, Hahn EG, Hohenberger W, Wein A. | TitleGenetic testing for germline mutations of the APC gene in patients with apparently sporadic desmoid tumors but a family history of colorectal carcinoma. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsFrohlich N, Emmrich P, Vitzthum HE. | TitleFormation of desmoids in postoperative lumbar scars–a case report. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsKaberos, Antonis Dimitris G. Balatsouras, Thisvi Vasilakaki, Nicolas C. Economou, Anastasios Leontiadis | TitleFibromatosis presenting as acute mastoiditis: a case report | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsMcGregor JC. 2005. | TitleExtra abdominal desmoid tumour-a long term follow up-further comment. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsCollins BJ, Fischer AC, Tufaro AP. | TitleDesmoid tumors of the head and neck: a review. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsSchlemmer M. | TitleDesmoid tumors and deep fibromatoses. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsPrivette A, Fenton SJ, Mone MC, Kennedy AM, Nelson EW. | TitleDesmoid tumor: a case of mistaken identity. | View Summary |
Year2005 | AuthorsSmarrito S, Salmon R. | TitleDesmoid tumor in a male breast in the context of Gardner’s syndrome. Case report. | View Summary |
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