There are very few randomized studies providing thorough data and evidence on treatment decisions in desmoids. In this context we need to evaluate existing evidence from publications in order to draw data-based conclusions, particularly if such an approach is intended to find transatlantic acceptance. We will focus on the following aspects of desmoid treatment by answering pico questions for:
1) Pathology and molecular genetics of desmoids and its role in prognosis and prediction of therapeutic results 2) Indications to an active treatment in different populations of desmoid tumor patients (sporadic, FAP-associated, beta-catenin mutated vs wildtype, type of mutation) a) Is watchful waiting the primary approach indicated for all? b) When to switch to active therapy in the different populations? 3) Definition of a hierarchy of available medical therapies in different indications (tumor location, extent of progression, type of desmoid) – Which assessment of treatment effect was used in the studies (no pico question) 4) Role of pain control and physical therapy?
Data will be discussed in a consensus meeting in Milano, Italy at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, on June 17-18, 2018.
LAY VERSION OF ABSTRACT- “An evidence-based consensus on the treatment of desmoids/aggressive fibromatosis.”