The doctor joked that he had heard of fathers-to-be having sympathy cravings, but never growing a sympathy bump. However, the mood quickly changed as scans showed Jason had a mass the size of a volleyball in his abdomen that was tied to his bowels. That very night, Jason’s wife went into labor and they became first-time parents to a healthy little girl. Amidst the joy and chaos of having a new baby, Jason got a biopsy and was told he had a desmoid tumor. Less than a month after his daughter was born, Jason underwent major surgery. He lost a sizable portion of his large and small intestine, but doctors had to leave a tumor that was wrapped around his mesenteric artery. They also found that his abdomen was full of other small tumors they could not previously see on scans. Jason was put on a medical therapy but experienced significant side effects. He was finally able to tolerate the drug at a reduced dose and his tumors have been stable ever since. This year, Jason and his wife welcomed their third daughter and count their blessings every day. The confidence and stability offered through treatment, continued research, and alternative drug options allowed him to move forward with his life.
“Despite all we’ve been through, I count my blessings every day. I’m aware that throughout my story the theme of luck appears regularly… I am equally as aware that not all patients are so lucky, and I’ll continue to advocate for all of us as strongly as I can.”